Brief Overview
TEDxITS is an independently organized TED event established in 2020, inspired by the spirit of "Ideas Worth Spreading." With a mission to address global and local challenges, TEDxITS focuses on creating a positive impact on issues ranging from social and political matters to environmental concerns, particularly those affecting Indonesia's youth. Driven by compassion and a strong foundation of goodwill, TEDxITS serves as a platform for innovative thinkers and doers to share their ideas and inspire meaningful change. By fostering a community that values self-development and collaboration, TEDxITS aims to empower individuals to tackle current challenges and contribute to a brighter future.
Tech Stack Used
- Next.js
- TypeScript
- Tailwind CSS
People Behind
A heartfelt thank you to Wina, Kurnia, Ridho, Dhana, Atra, and Rama for their support and collaboration on TEDxITS, my very first project in front-end development using Next.js. Your guidance and teamwork made this journey an unforgettable learning experience!